11 best foods for your health after pregnancy


In addition to owning and caring for a healthy and happy baby, many mothers also focus on losing extra weight immediately after childbirth. Slow down, mom! The National Library of Medicine recommends waiting at least six weeks after childbirth to try to lose weight and give the body time to recover. If you are breastfeeding, wait until your baby is two months old. Avoid high calorie restrictions, which pose health risks, and seek medical advice before making any major dietary changes. Diet is based on foods rich in leptin; fiber and healthy fat promote appetite control. Read on to learn more about foods that are particularly useful for your health before you return to pregnancy.

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1. Berries

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if you like sweets, but want to avoid too many calories and processed sugar, you can use candy instead of fresh or frozen berries. " Sometimes people think they need to reduce fruit to lose weight because of sugar, but it's not true, "said Elizabeth derobertis, a registered dietitian in Scarsdale, New York. She suggests using fruit as a snack that can be eaten at any time, while reducing weight after pregnancy. As a rich source of water and fiber, berries promote satiety while providing relatively little heat. A cup of BlackBerry can provide 7.6 grams of cellulose and 62 calories. One cup of raspberry provides 8 grams of fiber.

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2. Whole grain bagels bagels made from whole grains can be well added to breakfast or lunch. Even so, a large bagel will consume a lot of calories, making it more difficult to control weight. " Elizabeth derobertis recommends not eating a 100 calorie bagel because a 100 calorie bagel may contain 400 calories or more. Whole grains contain more protein and fiber than refined grains (such as white flour), so they can keep you full longer between meals. Whole grain bagels also contain a lot of B vitamins, which support normal energy level and metabolism. A simple, healthy staple or snack, topped with a whole wheat doughnut diluted with healthy fixings, such as low-fat chickpeas and sliced vegetables. Credit: spa> ajooto / itscod / generation / span> H3> 3. Oatmeal with fruit

start your day with a nutritious breakfast, which can help you control your appetite, maintain your energy level, and meet the needs of busy mom's life. Oats are a kind of food rich in fiber, a kind of whole grain cereal food, which can keep your nutrition. "Instead of pouring a large bowl of cold oatmeal, which could end up with 500 calories, make a bowl of oatmeal the size of 150 calories," said Elizabeth delobertis, who recommends using instant oatmeal to save time. It is nutritious, full and light. For a healthy breakfast, top-grade steel cut oatmeal made of fresh fruit gives it a natural sweetness, and protein is added with low-fat milk instead of water.

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4. Salmon is a kind of cold water fish, rich in protein, zinc, iron, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids. Mercury content is also very low, especially suitable to be a nanny. A study published in the European Journal of clinical nutrition in September 2010 showed that overweight adults who eat fish, especially salmon, as part of an eight week calorie controlled diet, not only lose weight, but also significantly reduce inflammation. Less inflammation means less swelling and a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. To meet your needs for omega-3, the American Heart Association recommends eating at least two 3.5oz servings of cold water fish a week.

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5. Coconuts can help you satisfy your sweets while controlling your weight and postpartum health. In addition to promoting appetite control, coconuts also contain lauric acid, a nutrient that promotes immune function, said Megan Roosevelt, a registered dietitian in Portland, Oregon. "One of the only places where this immune enhancing nutrient is found in human breast milk," she said. She also recommends using organic, unrefined coconut oil instead of other vegetable oils in baked goods and stir fry. In addition, a 2 x 2-inch piece of fresh coconut can provide 4 grams of satiated fiber.

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6. Flaxseed is a key nutrient during and after pregnancy. They can prevent inflammation and promote positive emotions and brain function. " Eating a diet rich in whole foods, especially plant-based foods, will help you take in a variety of key nutrients, "said Megan Roosevelt, flaxseed is the main plant source of omega-3 fat and a rich source of fiber, helping to control appetite and digestion. Regularly add flaxseed to yogurt, smoothies, cereals and baked goods, especially if you don't like fish. You can buy flaxseed grinder in many health food stores, or you can grind the whole flaxseed in the coffee grinder.

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7. Milk and yogurt

calcium not only helps strengthen you and your small bones, but also helps you lose extra weight. A study published in the September 2010 issue of the American Journal of clinical nutrition found a strong link between higher calcium and vitamin D levels and weight loss over a two-year period. Three portions of milk or yogurt, rich in vitamin D, help the body absorb calcium. Increase women's daily need for calcium. To enjoy a healthy meal on the road, you can mix frozen berries, bananas, flaxseed and milk to make smoothies.

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8. Quinoa is a very important compound carbohydrate and protein for mom. It's hard to beat quinoa in any department. Nutritious whole grain seeds provide 5 grams of fiber and 8 grams of protein for each cooked cup. Protein rich foods can keep blood sugar stable and avoid snacks. Quinoa cooks faster than whole grains such as brown rice. Prepare a large quantity in 20 minutes and leave the leftovers for a few days to make a meal. You can also freeze the cooked quinoa in a sealed container. For a healthy meal, you can match quinoa with beans or fish, as well as a richSteamed vegetables.

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9. Banana and nut butter can provide valuable potassium, vitamin C and fiber, making banana more nutritious than juice and processed snacks. Add a tablespoon of nut butter, such as almonds or peanuts, and you'll get more fiber, healthy fat and 4 grams of protein. Both foods contain tryptophan, an amino acid that helps the brain make better use of sedative chemicals that help sleep. If you find you can't sleep before you go to bed, banana and nut butter is an ideal snack. Frozen peeled bananas, with or without nut butter, can be eaten very cold. At 105 calories, an ordinary medium banana provides a light and healthy alternative to ice cream. Credit: Professor 25 / iStock / gettyimages

10. Vegetables

vegetables are the most nutrition intensive food on the earth, providing antioxidants, water and fiber. The more you eat, the less space you have for more intensive food, which makes calorie control a necessity. To get the most fiber from vegetables, boil them. A 1 / 2 cup of cooked spinach can provide 3.5G of fiber, while the fiber content of each fresh spinach is less than 1G. Use carrots, pickles or cucumbers to satisfy the craving for crispy snacks. To reduce the calorie content of food, you can put half or more fresh or cooked vegetables on the plate. The society for nutrition and nutrition recommends that most women eat at least 2.5 cups of vegetables a day. Popcorn

popcorn is a kind of full grain food with relatively less calories, and each food contains rich fiber. A 2012 study by Joe Vinson, a chemistry professor at Scranton University, showed that popcorn contains a lot of polyphenols - antioxidants - fruits and vegetables. It's important to use antioxidant rich foods in your post pregnancy diet plan to maintain your immune system, especially when you reduce your calorie intake. A 3-Cup popcorn contains less than 100 calories and more than 3.5G of fiber. For health sake, SPS blew popcorn with olive oil cooking spray, then sprinkled the popcorn with Italy seasoning and a little sea salt.

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desire more? Which food do you like best? Which do you want to try? What else would you like to add to the list? Share your thoughts in the comments! Remember, a healthy diet includes a variety of nutritious foods, including whole grains, fruits, vegetables, healthy sources of fat and foods rich in lean protein. Do your best to make healthy food pleasant and give yourself some space to maneuver. No one eats perfectly, but making wise choices often allows you to control your weight and stay healthy for a long time.

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