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full of precious moments, dirty diapers and sleepless nights, the first few months as a parent are both exciting and exhausting. Above all, new mothers are also worried about losing weight and health during pregnancy as soon as possible - for good reason. Dr. J. Shah, director of medicine at Amari medical center in Scarsdale, New York, said: "if you can't give 100 percent to your children yourself. Don't let the desire for your baby's body put more pressure on your life. With some simple advice, lifestyle changes and patience, you can get your pruning and a healthy and vibrant body back.

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start early

Although exercise during pregnancy will be easier to recover your pre fetal body, it will also help to be small. After giving birth to a child, you will almost immediately have to do some simple exercises. If your pregnancy and delivery have no complications - if you've been cleared by a medical professional - you can increase activity in the first few days after delivery. Do breathing exercises, do low-intensity aerobic exercise, or exercise in bed, said Dr. Scott Weiss, a physiotherapist and owner of the bodhisson Center for physical therapy and health in New York City. "Research shows that the faster you climb, the faster you walk," he said, he said,

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once you are sure that there are no continuous complications during childbirth, start slowly and gradually recover. " About two weeks after delivery began to slowly increase the amount of exercise. Choose walking, stretching, hydrotherapy and other exercises. Exercise your muscles for about 30 minutes every day for 5 to 10 minutes. Dr. J. Shah suggests strengthening exercise, especially in the weeks and months after delivery. Pay attention to the fact that your joints may become more flexible due to pregnancy. Hormones. "Be careful when jumping or running on a rocky road because the joints are relaxed," Weiss warned. "

related: Dr. Scott Weiss, a licensed physiotherapist at Olympia Alicia Montano, who maintained her health during pregnancy, said that while many new mothers focus on shaping their legs and abdomen, reducing fat to restore their pre baby body, it is also crucial to pay attention to the feet and upper body muscles. "An average weight gain of 17 to 32 pounds increases not only the load on the joints of the body, but also the load on the ground," he said. Flexibility and enhanced movement, focusing on the feet - such as calf extension or balancing a foot - can help them recover their arches and strength. Upper body exercises should also be included in your daily life, Weiss said, because "there are too many weight-bearing, holding and lifting movements."

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don't overdo it

Although exercise and active activities are necessary steps to restore your postpartum body, health and energy level, the new mother should not use too much or too fast. Dr. Michelle Kelly, a clinical assistant professor at the University of Villanova School of nursing, said: 'it's important to pay attention to any signs of excessive bleeding or fatigue during exercise, because these can be warnings that you are putting too much physical stress on your body. "If your bleeding, pain or fatigue increases disproportionately to your activity, contact your healthcare provider," she said.

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focus on healthy and balanced diet

exercise is crucial when you change your body after giving birth, but nutrition also plays an equally important role in creating a healthy body full of energy. Dr. J. Shah, M.D., said a substantial reduction in calories or a fast diet is not safe for you and your baby, adding that new mothers should never skip meals. Instead, he said, choose a low-fat diet, eat more fruits and vegetables, but also contain healthy amounts of lean protein. "Stay away from fast food and high carb diets," Shah said. "Of course, take your time, don't worry. If you lose two pounds a week, you're happy. "

correlation: the best food choice for your body to recover health

Credit: maintaining hormone level after childbirth

, whether it is insulin sensitivity or thyroid complications, female hormone imbalance is very common. These hormonal imbalances can lead to weight gain, fatigue, mood changes and so on, said Dr. J. Shah, M.D. "try to find out your hormone levels - especially thyroid, insulin and sex hormones - and if they're unbalanced, balance them." "If you don't, you may feel frustrated because you don't lose weight and lose motivation." Your doctor can order a complete blood sample to determine hormone levels and irregular behavior so you can get them back on track. "

correlation: postnatal pregnancy hormone

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although you and your baby will see a doctor regularly after childbirth, Dr. Scott Weiss, a licensed physiotherapist, said it is wise to have a complete physical examination within a few weeks after delivery to ensure your health is on track." "Make sure things are not only back to normal, but - based on your blood chemistry - back to normal," he said. Getting a clean health bill can also really boost people's confidence, Weiss said, when you feel better about exercise and are sure you're regaining your pre pregnancy self.

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close your eyes and be ready for baby's critical and sleep deprived night, but getting enough rest is essential for feeling energetic, stabilizing mood and recovering body. If possible, new mothers should try to sleep at least seven hours a night, Dr. J. Shah, M.D., said, and recommend taking a nap when the baby is napping. "Lack of sleep can disrupt hormone balance and make you gain weight," he said, however, noting that if your baby wakes up regularly, it can be difficult to sleep all nightAchieve. " If possible, get help from the father to bottle feed the baby at night, "Shah said. "

related: new mothers' sleep strategies


feeding babies

new mothers, breastfeeding is not only a simple way to get along with and be close to their babies, but also a very good non exercise way to get back in shape after pregnancy," Dr. Michelle Kelly said.“ Breastfeeding helps to lose weight after pregnancy and helps the uterus return to its pre pregnancy state. " However, when breastfeeding, be sure to provide your body and baby with the extra nutrients they need. Kelly says it's best to add 400 to 500 calories a day to support breastfeeding. "These extra calories should come from healthy proteins, fruits and vegetables," she said.

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hair and nail care

, they have a lot of ideas, said Dr. Susan Stuart, dermatologist at La Jolla dermatology in San Diego, many new mothers forget their hair and nails during pregnancy and pregnancy They will be affected later, so it is necessary to care for them in the days and weeks after delivery. She said a drop in estrogen levels after childbirth can lead to hair loss, while during and after pregnancy, nails can become fragile and slow to grow. Use mild shampoo, limit combing, brushing, dyeing and drying hair, avoid using acrylic or artificial nails, and make hair and nails young. "If you follow this advice, you can start to see significant changes in the look of your hair and nails in the weeks after delivery," Stewart said.

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expected results, but rationally speaking, the combination of good sleep, exercise, healthy diet and balanced hormones should help new mothers start to work hard to recover their baby's body and health, but it is important Be aware that the results can be slow and many women do not fully return to normal until they are pregnant. Dr. J. Shah, M.D., said that if you don't lose 15 pounds in the first few months of your life nearly a year after birth, instead of beating yourself up, focus on positive changes in your feelings or appearance. "The focus should be on putting on the pre pregnancy clothes again - losing fat from the body - rather than the weight on the scale," Shah said. "Related:

12 ways to connect with your baby.

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What do you think? Are you the new mother? What are you doing to keep fit and get fit? Have you managed to get your baby body back? What have you done? If you are a "Mom," share your suggestions and stories with others in the community in the comments below to help support other moms!

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