If you don't want to eat

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whether you are suffering from influenza, recovering from stomach disease or food poisoning, suffering from "morning sickness" during pregnancy, or just feeling sick today, you may have decreased appetite. (despite all the jokes about strange food cravings during pregnancy, loss of appetite is a common side effect of pregnancy.) However, it's important that you eat something to stabilize your stomach and make sure you stay nutritious. When you don't know what to eat, choose nutritious food to keep you full for a long time. White rice is part of a baby's diet that doctors often recommend to relieve nausea, stomach discomfort and diarrhea. Some of the healthiest countries in the world, including Japan, eat white rice in most foods. Although white rice is indeed much more processed than brown rice, all white rice sold in the United States is rich in nutrients lost during processing. Because of this strengthening effect, white rice has more essential nutrients than brown rice.

correlation: benefits of brat diet and food substitutes to be considered

Credit: arekmalan

2. Banana

is designed to choose low-fat and light food to help reduce your humidity. Banana is another kind of plain food. It's part of the kid's diet. Eating low acid fruits, such as bananas, instead of citrus fruits, can provide the necessary nutrients without causing nausea. Bananas are rich in potassium and magnesium, especially for those who are dehydrated by vomiting.

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applesauce is another kind of mild fruit like banana, which can help you reduce nausea. Applesauce is also part of the child's diet. If you have diarrhea, it's worth noting that applesauce contains pectin, which is a natural thickener and an anti diarrhea ingredient.

correlation: the benefits of calf diet and food substitutes should take into account

Credit: mizina / iStock / Getty Images

4. Low fiber Cereals, such as cream wheat or cold cereal, contain less than 1G of fiber per serving and can be used as carbohydrate substitutes for toast or white rice.

correlation: consider the benefits of calf diet and food substitutes

Credit: Dorin kinderley / Dorin kinderley / Getty Images. People with stomach discomfort may have good tolerance to cooked eggs; they are rich in protein, but they do not have any fiber that helps the intestine rest.

6. "Clear soup or bone soup

" bones in soup and stew increase calcium absorption, which is very important, "said Gina Ciccio, MD. You can buy pre made bone soup in some health food stores, or you can make it yourself. In general, it's ideal to add about two pounds of beef bone to four quarts of dehydrated and any vegetables you like. Buy beef bones from a local butcher.

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Credit: poppy / E + / Getty Images

7. Sweet potato

sweet potato, pumpkin, yam and other soft vegetables without skin can be tolerated if they are cooked well.

Credit: Rachel's husband / photographer's choice / Getty Images
