What to Do If Exercise is Too Hard for You?


If you have tried some exercise or workout and found it too difficult, or it resulted in too many aches and pains afterwards, then the answer is simple: you were doing exercise that wasn’t at a suitable level for your ability, or the exercise was a type I wouldn’t recommend.

Unless you have a particular illness or disability that prevents you from exercising (and if you think you have, or if you have any doubts, you should see your doctor for a check-up and get his or her okay first), there is no reason why you cannot start an exercise program. The simplest aerobic activity is usually walking. Anyone can do this, however unfit they may be. You simply walk for a short distance to begin with, at a pace that gets your heart and lungs working a little but that allows you to carry on a conversation. No matter if everyone else can walk faster or for longer – and you shouldn’t compete against anyone if you are not fit – just aim gradually to improve your own fitness.

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All the latest research shows that for most people, moderate activity is just as good as, if not better than, vigorous activity. Swimming is another good option if you are not fit.

Remember, if you end up with aching muscles and feeling tired and terrible after exercise then you’ve done too much. Most people I know who complain of this feeling have simply done something very active after a long period of inaction e.g., a day’s digging after six months of doing nothing; a morning’s playing cricket after a ten-year absence from the game, or a sponsored five-mile walk when a hundred yards down to the shop is as far as you usually go!

You’ve got to be sensible about starting activity when you are unfit. does it; gradual does it and never mind if you can’t do much to start with – honestly, you will soon improve. And that applies to older people just as much as to young ones.
