5 Reasons that Fats Make Us Fat


#1. Hard to Calculate

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Fat is easy to miscalculate. On most slimming diets, dieters are requested to weigh and measure quantities but, research shows, people tend to guess, at least after the first day or two on a diet. With less dense items, such as bread or vegetables, that doesn’t matter much because a miscalculation between, say, 25 g (1 oz) and 40 g (1.5 oz) of bread means only an extra thirty or so calories. But if you miscalculate between, say, 25 g (1 oz) and 40 g (1.5 oz) of butter, you are eating an extra 105 calories! This fat miscalculation is probably another reason why dieters who think they are on a low-calorie diet don’t lose any weight.
