Top 100 Amazing Places to Travel Around North America


71.Monte Alban, Oaxaca, Mexico

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An awesome place that gives the feel of being on top of the world. Its serenity and space will inspire you to ponder the meaning of life and its origins.

72.Gettysburg National Military Park, Pennsylvania, USA

This well preserved military park is full of beautiful landmarks and fields with rich and powerful historical sites. You can get some healthy exercise walking around the paved trails.

73.Citadelle Laferriere, Cap-Haitien, Haiti

It’s such an amazing destination, and the view from the top of the “largest fortress in Western Hemisphere” is just splendid and well worth the hike.

74.Peggy’s Cove Lighthouse, Nova Scotia, Canada

So much great things have been said and written about this place but what makes it more enticing is that it is free for the public to enjoy.

75.Uxmal Mayan Temples, Uxmal, Mexico

It is such a nice, serene, and green park with buildings adorned with detailed carvings that have been well reconstructed. Visitors can climb almost all the structures on this site.
