100 Most Dangerous Places To Visit


6. Cliffs of Moher in Ireland.

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Get closer to nature as you step to what seems to be the edge of the world at the Cliffs of Moher. The cliffs rise to about 120 meters above the Atlantic Ocean, and up to a maximum height of 214 meters.

7. Colorado River in the USA.

The Colorado River flows through the US and Mexico. It runs to about 862 miles long and is considered the 18th longest river in America.

8. New Smyrna Beach in Florida, USA.

More than 700 shark attacks have been recorded since 2014. 219 of these happened in Florida, and that makes New Smyrna the most dangerous beach after shark attacks.

9. Teahupoo in Tahiti.

This paradise-like place is a surfer’s haven. However, it’s also a place where the waves can be so huge that can break over any sharp coral reef lying a few meters away from the surface, that it can be dangerous. Sharks that swim within the area are also threats to surfers and visitors.

10. Snake Island in Brazil.

Officially known as Ilha de Queimada Grande, Snake Island is the habitation of about 4000 of the deadliest snakes in the world. Only a few scientists are allowed to study the place.
