30 Most Terrifying And Deadliest Animals In Australia


6.) The Reef Stonefish

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Every animal in Australia seems to have venom. This type of fish is known as the deadliest around the world. The Reef Stonefish looks like an ogre packed with poisonous spines that can pierce through bodies and transfer venom, damage nerves, and cause tremendous pain.

7.) The Irukandji Jellyfish

The Irukandji Jellyfish is a tiny type of jellyfish that no one would really notice. Plus, it is colorless which makes it harder to identify in water. But, this little guy can cause a person to experience excruciating pain, vomiting, cramping, and burning sensation. It may be small, but definitely deadly!

8.) The Honeybee

When you hear the name “Honeybee,” you probably think about a cute, little bee wandering the garden in the morning. However, in Australia, honey bees are responsible for deaths caused by animals. People who are allergic to honeybees should actually stay away from them.

9.) The Box Jellyfish

The sting of a box jellyfish doesn’t hurt. But, it will kill in an instant. The venom box jellyfish can spike the blood pressure and make a person feel incredible pain. Some individuals who have been stung by it either die on an instant or survive, but undergo shock and eventually die as well.

10.) The Salt Water Crocodile

Just a warning: do not go along the northern coast of Australia if you are not a fan of crocodiles. Unless you want to encounter a bunch of them, that area should be off your travel destination. The salt-water crocodiles are known to hunt humans, so beware, because they are really not friendly.