30 Most Terrifying And Deadliest Animals In Australia


16.) The Giant Centipede

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This creepy crawler is surprisingly also good in water. So, if you think it won’t be able to catch you underwater, think again. The pain giant centipedes can inflict to humans is immense. Though the number of deaths from giant centipede bites is few, its venom is designed to inject pain and kill.

17.) The Eastern Brown Snake

The Eastern brown snakes are also venomous and dangerous to be around like the Taipan snakes. In other countries, brown snakes aren’t poisonous, but the ones living in Australia are extremely lethal and can kill pretty much anything.

18.) The Kangaroos

You may be wondering what kangaroos are doing on this list. Well, not all kangaroos are adorable. Most of them are huge in size and unafraid of humans. Plus, they often have vicious behaviors. Though they aren’t venomous creatures, their strong kick and punch can send anyone to the hospital.

19.) The Blue Ringed Octopus

Here is another water creature with an unusual color. Anyone who doesn’t know anything about the blue-ringed octopus may even touch it because of its lovely color. But, this octopus is anything but amazing. It may look innocent, but it contains tetrodotoxin venom that can damage the lungs in just five minutes.

20.) The Blue Bottle Man O’War

Despite its appearance, this jellyfish-like water creature has long tendrils and a bunch of tentacles that can sting and cause a respiratory problem to humans. Though deaths are not a frequent occasion, everyone should still be cautious and be on the look out for the Man O’War.