100 Travel Photographer Fails Around The World


Travel Photographer Fails 16: When it gets too hot, even granny wants to feel the wind in his skin.

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When you go on a vacation, and your grandpa is so lit, he wore a pair of thongs and sandals. “Hey, grandpa, smile for the camera!”

Travel Photographer Fails 17: This is the best hat ever.

Meanwhile, in Mexico, large hats are the trend. And this kid is sporting it like “Haters gonna hate.”

Travel Photographer Fails 18: This happens whenever discounted tickets are available for sale.

So, the one-way boat trip to Fiji was on sale? And every male in your town took it? Why?

Travel Photographer Fails 19: Drivers’s gone mad.

When you try to operate a boat but realize you are doing it wrong. “This isn’t how boats work. Ok, nevermind.”

Travel Photographer Fails 20: They thought the donkey is a super donkey.

Local delivery service in this place is weird. Anyone else wonders how this donkey is going to pull those loads?
