How to make friends in adulthood without embarrassment

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moving to a new city, ending a relationship, or just being too busy with work and family to build a new friendship will make you feel a little lonely. You're not the only one who finds it embarrassing to make friends as an adult. Shasta Nelson, author of friendship: how to deepen friendship for lifelong health and happiness, says the truth is that making friends makes everyone at least a little uncomfortable. In other words, there are ways to make it less awkward. Finding common ground and opportunities to meet the same people on a regular basis will make it easier for us to connect. There are nine ways to try.

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1. Taking part in meetup activities

meetup group aims to make the embarrassed people less embarrassed. Imagine that you are a fanatical beekeeper, or really like flower arrangement (Japanese flower arrangement art) - it's hard to meet people with similar interests between 9:00 and 5:00. But search the Internet for "beekeeping meetings" and you may be surprised to find one close to you. "Any time we are in a clear relationship, it helps to eliminate this embarrassment," said Shasta Nelson, CEO of "Asking a question about common ground is one of the easiest ways to consolidate common ground and to facilitate a dialogue on what you all obviously have in common," she said.

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2. Join a club

whether you like reading, knitting or croquet, there is a club here. The best thing about the club is that they meet all the time and they have the same members every time. " "One of the easiest ways to make friends is to see the same person over and over again," said Dr. Andrea bonior, author of friendship restoration. Looking back on your childhood, it was almost effortless to make friends. You meet at school every day, you play in the street at night, and you scare your neighbor's cat. This consistency lays the foundation for BFFs. Although it's not as easy as when you were a child, it can make your relationship less awkward.

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last lesson

this is your chance to make friends and learn new skills at the same time. Talk about win-win! What do you want to learn? Blow glass? Portuguese? Gardening? Accounting? There may be an art studio, college or community center near you that offers a variety of courses. Every week, people like you open up and are ready to absorb all the knowledge. In such an open-minded situation, it's hard not to make friends. Whether it's a partner or a learning partner, the course is for pairing. So what are you waiting for? Hurry up!

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4. Volunteer for a cause you believe in. Do you want to save the earth? Or public broadcasting? Or are you more interested in going to the performing arts theater or cleaning up the park? There are many ways you can contribute your time and reach out to other people who share your selfless spirit. Supporting a career with others creates friendships that make you feel like a part of something important. If you are involved in ongoing volunteer work, it also provides consistency. When you make sandwiches for homeless people or save neglected and abandoned kittens, almost anything is easy to talk about.

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5. If you just moved to a new city, please ask your friend to set up

for you. Of course, you've heard of friends making friends with potential romantic partners, but you can also ask friends to arrange a date for you, or at least let them contact you. Introduced to friends through friends, the first meeting is not so embarrassing. You already have common ground and topics ("how do you know Jenny?") Sharing an interesting story about your common friends always helps break the ice. The key is not to wait until you've settled in and asked for recommendations. " "What people start to feel very embarrassed about is that after two years, they still haven't met," says author Shasta Nelson. "Related:

here's how to build relationships like an outgoing person if you're shy." Finding a part-time job is a particularly useful advice for freelancers and telecommuters, who may be able to communicate only when UPS people deliver packages. Even if your job is nine to five, it's hard to find friends in an all day environment. After work, why don't you take off your suit (or T-shirt and work for you in Homer) and tie your apron in the coffee shop? When making decaffeinated lattes, you can chat with customers and colleagues, many of whom may be potential friends. There is a consistency factor, which many experts believe is the key to bond formation. Plus, it's a lot easier than going straight to someone in a coffee shop and saying, "would you like to be my friend?"

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7. Although using social media

has many disadvantages, social media is a good tool to make new friends. You may have a lot of acquaintances on Facebook - people you meet that you've never contacted. The person you lost contact with. The best thing is that you already know them, which eliminates a lot of embarrassment. So take the initiative. You don't need to leave them a message and invite them out for coffee right now, you just need to be interested in some of their posts through likes or comments. Identify a common ground - an interest in the same sport, hobby, or career - and then send them a message with open-ended questions to start a conversation.

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8. Taking your children or pets to the park can give you a good way to know people. When children or puppies are playing in the nearby playground or dog park, chat with football dad or dog mom. The opening line of the conversation was simple: "your child / dog is so cute! How old is he / she / she? " Arrange a playmate away from the parkIt's a simple way to raise friendship to a new level. It is recommended to drink coffee and walk the dog, or invite your new mother's friends to come over for tea or a glass of wine while the children are playing in the yard.

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9. It's embarrassing to accept this awkward attitude and make friends - there's no way. But what do you have to lose? What if you're wrong or someone doesn't like you? " "Making friends is a digital game," said Dr Andrea bonio. You have to work hard, not all the friendships you try to build will become something. This means that there is no longer a weekend at home alone. Bad news? Your cat will be very angry.

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What do you think? Have you just moved to a new city? Are you dealing with the breakup? Or you're just looking for new and interesting people to play with. Do these suggestions resonate? Have you tried these things? What's up? Do you think you'll try anything else on the list? Do you have anything else to add? Please share in the comments below!

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