5 van homes that take glamping on the road


1985 Volkswagon Vanagon Westfalia

Photo courtesy of Mary Ashley Krogh and Owen Chikazawa
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The pair spent a little over a year finishing the work on their van and did all but the engine swap themselves. It sleeps four people and features solar paneling, a folding couch bed, wooden floors and a swiveling desk.

Going "DIY" was important to the couple. They wanted to get to know their vehicle and learn how to make repairs in case they found themselves on the road alone.

Krogh and Chikazawa both maintain full-time freelance design careers to support their mobile lifestyle. They spent time after college traveling on their savings, and when they decided to transition into van living, they launched their professional lives.

"We wanted to continue to grow our business and progress through our career," said Krogh, "but also travel and enjoy our free time as much as possible."
