Top 100 Amazing Places to Travel Around Hongkong


6.Po Lin Monastery, Hong Kong

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Po Lin Monastery, located on Lantau Island, Hong Kong, is one of the island’s tourist spots.  It was formerly called Da Maopeng by the three monks who developed it.

7.Happy Valley Racecourse, Hong Kong

More than just watching horse races, one gets to taste great food, take part in colourful parades, and get a glimpse of the history of horse racing at Happy Valley Racecourse.

8.Lamma Island, Hong Kong

A perfect hideaway for the whole family who’s ready for some time out together to explore a blend of Western and Chinese island life along placid trails.

9.Tung Choi Street, Hong Kong

Want to splurge a bit, but make the most of every cent? At Tung Choi Street, Hong Kong, there’s more than one great find for everyone.

10.Repulse Bay, Hong Kong

A synonym for a fancy living, Repulse Bay, Hong Kong offers luxurious sea view apartelles that provide the opportunity to experience the country’s historical charm and contemporary living at the same time.
