Time Management Hacks Successful People Do Daily

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Schedule Dead Space

Your calendar should be filled with plenty of blank space — or so say two of the richest people in the world. In a 2017 interview with Charlie Rose, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett shared their secrets of success and time management.

Gates — who admitted to being over-scheduled — said he now believes that it's crucial to schedule dead space into your daily planner. By controlling your time and resisting the urge to pack every open slot with a task, you'll have the flexibility to adapt throughout the day and week as things come up and circumstances evolve. Perhaps more importantly, you'll be able to use those gaps to spend a little time each day focusing on your passions, which tend to get pushed to the side for people with packed schedules.

As summarized by Buffett, "I can buy anything I want, basically, but I can't buy more time."
