Top 21 Items Found On Earth That Cannot Be Explained


6. The Quimbaya Airplanes

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How did the tribal people know about the art of flying and the technique of making planes? That is the first question that comes to our mind when we look at the mini golden artifacts by the Quimbaya tribal people of Columbia. Over dozens of such mini, golden airplanes were found in Columbia once these tribes left the place.

7. The Gate of the Sun

Located at a height of around 13000 feet, the Gate of the Sun is located in Bolivia and contains some interesting carvings. The structure does look like that it must play a very important role during its time; however, from the carvings, architectural style, and archaeological location, it is almost impossible to trace back the history of this majestic monument.

8. Shroud of Turin

This 14-feet long cloth is kept in the Royal Chapel in North Italy’s Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist. What’s so special about this cloth? There is a man’s image that has appeared on the cloth and Christians believe that this was the cloth that was used to cover the body of Jesus of Nazareth. Studies conducted on this shroud during 1988 proved that this cloth belonged to the Middle Ages!

9. Ulfberht Viking Swords

These are impeccably crafted swords that belonged to a time between the 9th and 10th centuries. What made them so special was that they were made from a metal so pure and durable. They were also crafted with a precise technological accuracy that wasn’t even in vogue when these swords were made. Now, that speaks volumes about the precision of the weapons of the 10th century, isn’t it?

10. L’Anse aux Meadows

The grasslands of Newfoundland, Canada, have something interesting to reveal beneath them. Here, you will find traces of the ancient Viking civilization and the inhabitants who had settled here for a long time. What does this prove? The Vikings had come here a good 500 years before the great Christopher Columbus set foot in North America!