30 Animals That Got Dibs On Public Places


6.) The Village Of Foxes In Miyagi, Japan

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If you come to Miyagi Mountains near the Shiroishi city in Japan, you will find a small village called the “Zao Kitsune Mura.” But beware because it isn’t the typical village. The population consists of foxes instead of humans! Although they aren’t harmful towards humans, still, take extra precaution when visiting!

7.) Sheep On The Run In New Zealand

Over 30 million of sheep roam New Zealand. So, if you calculate it too, there are at least six sheep for every human living in the country! That is insane! The biggest problem they cause is traffic because they totally love walking the cement road. Better get ready to get trapped with few sheep!

8.) The Pigs On Holiday In The Bahamas

The Bahamas is one of the most wanted travel destination. The place is just breathtaking! It is incredibly stunning that even pigs succumb to its beauty. There is an uninhabited island near the Bahamas where more than 20 pigs settled. But, the best part is that they love swimming and able to swim!

9.) Monkeys In New Delhi, India

There are literally thousands of macaque monkeys in New Delhi in India. Their population is too much it has become a struggle for the tourists and locals. But, for the Hindu people, these monkeys are sacred. Due to their religious significance, the monkeys are left to multiply and grow.

10.) Swimming With Jellyfish In Lake Eil Malk Island, Palau

First thing’s first: swimming with a bunch of jellyfish is not a very good idea. It may seem great in the beginning, but really, don’t. The Lake of Eil Malk Island, which is located in Palau, is not a territory for predators that makes it a great spot for the jellyfish to just chill and keep swimming.